Welcome to the Rhode Island Comprehensive Assessment System (RICAS) Resource Center. This site provides access to test administration information, training, practice tests, and other resources to help schools and districts prepare for and administer the RICAS tests.
Sign in to PearsonAccessnext to manage test administration tasks, such as student registrations, user accounts, and monitoring online testing.
Test Administration Guidance
Access the Test Coordinator's Manual, Test Administrator's Manuals, policy memos, and other resources.
Access short training modules that provide a step-by-step walk-through on using PearsonAccess Next and tasks for computer-based testing.
Student Tutorial & Practice Tests
Access resources for educators to prepare students for testing: the student tutorial for CBT and practice tests for CBT and PBT.
Released Items
Access released items from the spring grades 3-8 RICAS ELA and Mathematics assessment.
RICAS Service Center
Access the RICAS Service Center website to complete the Principal's Certification of Proper Test Administration (PCPA), to order additional materials, and to schedule UPS pickup (PBT only).